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    Sabtu, 14 Mei 2016

    What is the meaning of and views about BULLY?

    Ayokita.click - "Bully" in the Indonesian language is "bluffing". Snapping it is addressed to someone who is considered weak and does not have the power to regulate, and the person who is bullying people who are considered to be strong and has the power to regulate. In general action "bully" is frequently done by a group of students. This stems from the people and continues to form one group and then the group will make regulations pembully ridiculous and for every person who violates the rules will bully it out .. !!!

     "Second chances do not usually happen ... pembully group, the first group of actions is that they will give pembully snarling bully-victim then makes them an" slave or servant "who always serve as old as what they want, whether it's a service to yourself their own or as a group of entertainers for pembully. "But realize you ??"   In general pembully group is people who are less affection and attention from their parents, so that they feel with bullying, everyone's attention focused on them, even though they are aware that bullying is not good action. "The act of bullying is very sensitive and have a negative impact for pembully and victims bully's up to lead to death. Because the bully, someone will get hurt either mental or physical, and can cause resentment inward but on the other side of the bully victim's unable to do anything so that ultimately the victim of bullies take action outside the reach of our thoughts and acts of terror directed against pembully. "Who will play a major role in this matter ??"         The main role of parents. Parents should pay attention to their children's growth both physically and behavior of the child, one way is to provide useful guidance and affection that they should get. So let's start from now to improve and change the bad and inappropriate for us to do, so that we become human progress and positif thinking .. !! So much from me ... Hopefully useful .. and let us fight .. !!! God Blessing

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