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    Senin, 30 Mei 2016

    Only 5 (five) minutes to God

    God to me is a unique figure.
    A sentence states: "The Lord will design your life with beautiful and as good as possible".
    But the reality of my life not as good as God had promised, many struggles and problems that came and went.
    The more I put myself in God more and more trials of life that I have experienced.
    Often I ask myself:
    "Does not God love me ??"
    "Why are people around who do evil, the more advanced life without the challenges he faced, but why I always pray, and follow Your path is always ceaselessly experiencing painful thing !!!"

    ..... Lord, what is my fault Thee ??
    Then I blamed God ...
    Time continues to change, seiringnya time progresses I will get older, I finally understood the meaning of the presence of God in my life.
    God is present dihidupku because "He is very affectionate and loves"
    Trials that God is present in my life that I was stronger and grow in faith.
    Finally arrived at the point of saturation, natural feelings of despair and feel unable to approach .... it often, but when it is the Lord wanted me to come and pray and ask Him for help.
    I missed the Lord that he gave me the trials and tribulations of my life, and I finally came to him.
    God only asked for five minutes of your time for Him.
    God longed for you to come to Him.
    Lord miss you devote all your hurt.
    God misses you say "Lord, I love you"
    Lord miss you told me about your activities each day.
    God only took 5 minutes for it all, just 5 minutes away.
    Maybe after you pray may not necessarily resolved the problems that you face but we'll get an inner relief so that we can bounce back with God.
    God testing you all the time because he wanted to measure loyalty with him.
    Now ask yourself: "Are you faithful to God ??"
    God does not need all of your time for him, God only takes five minutes of your time each day.
    Deo Gratias

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