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    Jumat, 27 Mei 2016

    How to Read Chart Relationship Heating Air Temperature and Time

    Consider the graph below !
    The lines AB and CD sloping upwards , what is causing this to happen ?
    This is because when the heat energy required on the line AB is to raise the temperature of the ice reaches 0 degrees Celsius to change the form of ice to liquid . Also on the CD line of heat that is needed is to change the form of a liquid to a gas at a temperature of 100 degrees Celsius . If you noticed the lines BC and DE horizontal , what gives? At the time of the line BC are solid ice begins to melt turn into water , as well as the line ED occurs phase transition of liquid into a gas .
    If you noticed the lines BC and DE leveled off , it indicates that heat energy is required when it is not used to raise the temperature of a substance , but rather to change states of matter .

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